Human Trafficking Information For Victims

Nationwide Screening Services is committed to abiding by the CFPB rule and helping and working with the victims of human trafficking. 

Block Information in Your Background Report 

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires the following information  from any person requesting a block of information on their background  check: 

I. Proof of Identity 

A consumer who is a victim of trafficking is required to include “appropriate  proof of identity” as part of their submission to a consumer reporting  agency to request a block of adverse items of information that resulted from  trafficking. 

1. Your full name and any other/alias names that you have utilized,  social security number and/or date of birth 

2. Provide copies of government issued documents, such as a utility bill  and/or other methods of verifying your identity 

 II. Victim Determination 

Trafficking Documentation 

Provide a Victim Determination statement, which is a document that  contains a determination of human trafficking which has been made by: 

1. A State, Federal or Tribal governmental entity 

2. A non-governmental member of a human trafficking task force,  including victim service providers affiliated with these entities  and authorized by a State, Federal or Tribal government entity 

3. A self-attestation by a consumer who identifies as a victim of  human trafficking that is signed or certified by a State, Federal,  or Tribal government entity, court of competent jurisdiction or  an authorized representative of these entities

 III. Identified Adverse Items of Information 

Generally, these are documents that identify items of adverse information  that should not be furnished by a consumer reporting agency because the  items resulted from a severe form of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking. 

These items could include records containing derogatory information, such  as payment delinquencies or defaults, records of coerced debt, records of  criminal arrests and convictions, and records of evictions or non-payment  of rent. 

 IV. Where to Send Information 

By mail: 

Nationwide Screening Services 

324 South Service Road, Melville, New York 11747 

Attn: Compliance – Trafficking 


Nationwide Screening Services 

501 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (Fifth Floor) Attn: Compliance – Human Trafficking 

By email:  

Provide whether you would prefer an email or regular mail as the method of  communication with Nationwide Screening Services upon completion of a  determination. 

If you have any questions regarding the process or to check on the status  of your request, please contact our Client Services team at 877-696-5700  during our business hours on Monday through Friday between the hours of  9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST.

 V. Information Blocking Process 

Once Nationwide Screening Services receives your information, we will  block the information within four days of your request. We will notify you  within five days if we need any additional information to comply with your  request. 

Nationwide Screening Services has 25 days to make a final determination  on your request. You will be notified within five days of our final  determination to either continue to block the information or to remove the  block. 

The notice will include the following: 

• A statement that the review is complete 

• A statement explaining the outcome 

• A new consumer report provided at no cost to the consumer (if  applicable) 

• A description of the procedures used to make the determination • An appeal method 

• A link to the CFPB’s consumer complaint portal 

Nationwide Screening Services will maintain records of the outcome of  consumer submissions and compliance with the Final Rule for a period of  seven years after the submission is received.